Trinity provides all-inclusive health & wellness programs for construction, manufacturing, transportation, hospitality, retail and supply industries. Trinity works to clarify the client's needs and develops customized systems to achieve the desired outcome.
Trinity will provide a dedicated project manager and senior occupational health professional to work collaboratively with the designated provider and company team to develop the components of a system wide employee health education and wellness program.
1. Determine desired goals.
2. Design a customized employee health and wellness program and outline performance metrics.
3. Measure and analyze metrics.
4. Implement adjustments to achieve desired outcomes.
In addition to this program Trinity would include optional, online health assessments questionnaires for employees, integrated data analytics for management, and quarterly health fairs.
Need a wellness committee? Want to lower your overall workplace risk exposures and help empower healthy lifestyle health choices in the workplace?
Trinity Health/Safety staff work with employers to reduce overall risk exposures to employees in their work and personal lives. Each committee is designed to meet the specific areas of concern for each employer. From repetitive motion injuries to driver safety, Trinity can create a committee to help identify and mitigate key safety, health and wellness factors in the workplace.
Incentives are a vital component of any employer-initiated process relying in employee participation. Its's Trinity's belief that incentives are key to successful participation in any wellness program. Outcome and goal-based programs tend to yield better results and can be tailored to specific company needs.
Trinity utilizes a consultant approach to help employers identify the employees' health, safety and wellness risk and develops systemic approach to improvement and achievement of desired outcomes. Trinity's staff is extremely qualified at designating custom health & wellness programs to directly impact and improve those risk factors. Helpful health and wellness coaching programs are included in this process.
Trinity will utilize proprietary online health assessments applications to track collective workforce health improvement as one component of an overall effective wellness program. Customized questionnaires will be created & distributed to the company's employees via a link sent to an email or smart phone. Employees are asked to answer a series of questions that will track participation, satisfaction and individual goal attainment.
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